Prettige samenwerkingspartner met een professioneel realisatieteam.
I have been working with Pellikaan since the very early days and every project we have completed has been a positive experience and they understand how to work as a Team with one simple goal - build the best leisure centre we can
As always a great team effort to get to the end result
Fantastic! Pellikaan were truly part of of the team. Engagement was excellent throughout the whole process. Attention to detail was good resulting in high quality building that was delivered ahead of programme.
The Warsop project commenced for Alliance and Pellikaan at the beginning of RIBA 3 and was very smooth from Pre-Construction through to construction and handover. What Pellikaan said, Pellikaan delivered
Pellikaan have been great to work with on the Whitchurch project. The fact that cost is the cost, minimal variations, programme is achieved (ahead of schedule) makes for a happy end client (Shropshire) and efficient delivery for the professional team.
I have always enjoyed working with Pellikaan knowing that we have a common goal to provide the best leisure facilities possible
We highly recommend Pellikaan Construction for their exceptional professionalism throughout our build project. The team has always been courteous, helpful, and consistently determined to complete the project on time. Their meticulous attention to detail is impressive, and their friendly, family-run ethos made the entire process smooth and enjoyable. For any schools considering constructing a new building, we wholeheartedly endorse Pellikaan Construction as a trusted partner.
We have had a very good working relationship with Pellikaan and through a difficult pre contract period we found them firm but fair in terms of contract and costs. I do think we have had a few post contract issues, in terms of what has been included or excluded, but we have worked through these issues in a professional and amicable way.
bis jetzt gut
Pellikaan are undoubtedly one of the best Contractors we have worked with. Their flexible approach to project delivery is always refreshing with a constant focus on how the design, programme or cost can improved upon right through from the tender to project delivery and completion stages.
Pellikaan is een deskundig en ervaren bouwbedrijf dat niet alleen innovatieve via samenwerkingsvorming met opdrachtgevers en bouwpartners tot resultaat kan komen, maar ook binnen het bouwproject zelf tot innovatie van het ontwerp komt door zichzelf, opdrachtgever en bouwpartners uit te dagen om het programma in samenhang met het ontwerp te optimaliseren in alle fasen van het proces (ontwerp-realisatie).
Thank you to all concerned. We all feel at ease with the project due to the professionalism, passion and expertise demonstrated by every employee starting with Andy the gateman up to Gerard at very top. We have established a wonderful working relationship with all at Pellikaan. Thank you
Pellikaan is bezig voor ons een school voor speciaal onderwijs te realiseren onder een hele strakke tijdsplanning. Tot nu toe lukt dit succesvol zonder de kwaliteit uit het oog te verliezen. Wat ze toezeggen komen ze tot nu toe ook na en de samenwerking loopt voorspoedig. Op een aantal onderwerpen had een betere communicatie discussie kunnen voorkomen echter had dit mogelijk wel plaats gevonden onder mindere tijdsdruk.
Really easy to work with, took a lot of stress away with how the project was managed. Really good interaction with the local community
So far my experience with Pellikaan has been at: Pre-Construction on several projects and then in construction on two. The pre con could be a little smoother although i think we are getting there with it now, as it is a slightly different way of working for both parties. Once on site the construction has so far been very smooth with very few issues, Pellikaan seem to 'just get on with it'
The Pellikaan team on the Warsop project have worked as a collaborative, non-confrontational member of the project team fully focussed on delivering the client's requirements.
Een goede ervaring met Pellikaan mbt het bouwen van het Kindcentrum.
Our experience has been refreshing with a professional approach from all at Pellikaan. We have been particularly impressed with the sympathetic approach Pellikaan have taken with the client and the change requests. The management of the design has also been efficient in the face of a significant number of client changes. Overall very impressed.
The end result is great and we as a business and our members are very satisfied with the product. The process of delivery whilst a challenge was managed professionally by the team and their commitment to delivering a super end result was obvious.
Shropshire Council appointed Pellikaan in 2023 to design and build a new swimming pool and fitness centre. We worked together very cooperatively to get planning permission and finalise the construction contracts. We had some sensitive negotiations with our neighbours and Pellikaan were responsive and accommodating so we could reach access agreements. The project is now in construction and they have one of the most well organised construction sites which I have seen.
Pellikaan are great to work with, they seem to make construction simple!
Working with Pellikaan has been a different experience to working with our typical UK Contractors. Pre Con is less detailed than we are used to but it all seems to just come together and when we get to site all has been very professional
It been a really positive experience working with the onsite Pellikaan team. The help find solutions as issues arise.
Pellikaan were appointed along with ourselves at the start of Stage 3 and it was soon clear that Remy and Gary were part of the team. This team approach has continued once the project was on site. I am confident that the site team want to deliver the best building they can for us from dealing with any issues to how the work on site has been managed.
Pellikaan wants to be the best possible partner for you. To be able to continue improving our products and service, we ask you to rate us. We value your opinion highly, as it will help us improve. Pellikaan wil een zo goed mogelijke partner voor u zijn. Om onze prestaties en service te kunnen blijven verbeteren vragen wij u om ons te beoordelen. We stellen uw mening zeer op prijs, want daarmee kunnen wij ons verbeteren. Pellikaan möchte ein möglichst perfekter Partner für Sie sein. Um unsere Leistungen und unseren Service ständig optimieren zu können, bitten wir Sie, uns zu bewerten. Wir schätzen Ihre Meinung sehr da wir uns damit verbessern können. Thank you in advance! Bij voorbaat
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