

Professional, personally tailored service and ultimately successful in every respect.

I was a client of Ruby's. I came to her in July 2022, upon learning that my work permit was not being renewed and I would have to potentially vacate the Netherlands within 30 days due to it's expiry. It was an uncertain and bleak situation from day one, and I was desperate for a solution to remain in the country I have called home for 5+ years. Ruby found a solution and conducted an investigation - discovering that there was a special permit I could apply for to stay in the Netherlands. I surely would not have been able to apply for this permit without her guidance and constant advice. Thanks to her diligent and timely work, I was able to apply for this permit before the expiry of my work permit - thereby I was able to legally stay in the Netherlands till my application was decided. Ruby helped me collect all the necessary documents for this, and instructed me on what I must do, when I had zero knowledge of the law. I cannot stress the importance of her work. She literally single-handedly kept me in the Netherlands. For the next few months, she stayed in communication with me, providing me with updates on my application as well as advice on a separate application I made for Dutch nationality. Excellent customer service throughout. The end result? My application was accepted, and I now have 5 year permanent residence in the Netherlands - an outcome I could not even imagine back in July when my work permit was expiring. I thoroughly and fully recommend Ruby - and Law & More. I especially appreciate how quickly they helped me submit my application. They are the utmost professionals while still taking a genuine interest in your personal circumstances. If you are uncertain of the law, or need help with immigration law, I whole-heartedly recommend this practice - and Ruby. 5 stars.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: Ruby van Kersbergen

Professional, personally tailored service and ultimately successful in every respect.

I was a client of Ruby's. I came to her in July 2022, upon learning that my work permit was not being renewed and I would have to potentially vacate the Netherlands within 30 days due to it's expiry. It was an uncertain and bleak situation from day one, and I was desperate for a solution to remain in the country I have called home for 5+ years. Ruby found a solution and conducted an investigation - discovering that there was a special permit I could apply for to stay in the Netherlands. I surely would not have been able to apply for this permit without her guidance and constant advice. Thanks to her diligent and timely work, I was able to apply for this permit before the expiry of my work permit - thereby I was able to legally stay in the Netherlands till my application was decided. Ruby helped me collect all the necessary documents for this, and instructed me on what I must do, when I had zero knowledge of the law. I cannot stress the importance of her work. She literally single-handedly kept me in the Netherlands. For the next few months, she stayed in communication with me, providing me with updates on my application as well as advice on a separate application I made for Dutch nationality. Excellent customer service throughout. The end result? My application was accepted, and I now have 5 year permanent residence in the Netherlands - an outcome I could not even imagine back in July when my work permit was expiring. I thoroughly and fully recommend Ruby - and Law & More. I especially appreciate how quickly they helped me submit my application. They are the utmost professionals while still taking a genuine interest in your personal circumstances. If you are uncertain of the law, or need help with immigration law, I whole-heartedly recommend this practice - and Ruby. 5 stars.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: Ruby van Kersbergen

Professional, personally tailored service and ultimately successful in every respect.

I was a client of Ruby's. I came to her in July 2022, upon learning that my work permit was not being renewed and I would have to potentially vacate the Netherlands within 30 days due to it's expiry. It was an uncertain and bleak situation from day one, and I was desperate for a solution to remain in the country I have called home for 5+ years. Ruby found a solution and conducted an investigation - discovering that there was a special permit I could apply for to stay in the Netherlands. I surely would not have been able to apply for this permit without her guidance and constant advice. Thanks to her diligent and timely work, I was able to apply for this permit before the expiry of my work permit - thereby I was able to legally stay in the Netherlands till my application was decided. Ruby helped me collect all the necessary documents for this, and instructed me on what I must do, when I had zero knowledge of the law. I cannot stress the importance of her work. She literally single-handedly kept me in the Netherlands. For the next few months, she stayed in communication with me, providing me with updates on my application as well as advice on a separate application I made for Dutch nationality. Excellent customer service throughout. The end result? My application was accepted, and I now have 5 year permanent residence in the Netherlands - an outcome I could not even imagine back in July when my work permit was expiring. I thoroughly and fully recommend Ruby - and Law & More. I especially appreciate how quickly they helped me submit my application. They are the utmost professionals while still taking a genuine interest in your personal circumstances. If you are uncertain of the law, or need help with immigration law, I whole-heartedly recommend this practice - and Ruby. 5 stars.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: Ruby van Kersbergen

You are great

You are great

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: N/A

Was a pleasure to work with them

Very correct people

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: N/A

Aylin is geweldig en heeft me zo goed als het kon geholpen met alles.

Aylin Selamet heeft mij goed bijgestaan in mijn zaak en goed geholpen. Helaas was de uitkomst voor mij persoonlijk niet wat ik wilde naar ze heeft er alles aangedaan wat mogenlijk was.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Aylin Selamet

High quality and personal approach.

Thank you Tom.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: N/A

Puikaus advokato rekomendacija

Rekomenduoju advokato Tom Meevis paslaugas. Profesionalus, patikimas, puikiai kalba angliskai, maloniai ir pagarbiai bendrauja. Dirba tiksliai, aiskiai, be nereikalingu klausimu ir negaisdamas laiko. Nuosirdi rekomendacija tautieciams lietuviams.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: N/A

Foarte Multumita

Am fost foarte multumita de sericiile companiei Law and More.In special de serviciile domnului avocat Tom Meevis este un avocat excelent si o comunicare impresionanta fata de client.Recomand cu incredere

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • Helped by: N/A

Alles korrekt

Alles gut

  • Würden Sie uns weiterempfehlen? Ja
  • Kommunikation
  • Beratung
  • Fachwissen
  • Engagement
  • Mit Hilfe von k.A.

Adequate benadering

Tom Meevis is gedurende de hele periode betrokken geweest bij de zaak, elke vraag die er van mijn kant was werd door hem snel en duidelijk beantwoord. Ik zal het kantoor (en met name Tom Meevis) dan ook zeker aanbevelen bij vrienden, familie en zakenrelaties.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis


Hele vriendelijke mensen en zeer goede service ...kan niet anders zeggen dat is super geholpen ben . Mocht het zich voordoen kom ik zeker terug .

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis

Very Efficient and Effective

We had a complicated situation with regards to family reunification, therefore, we sought help from Ruby van Kersbergen. She was extremely effective, always found the right answers, informed us clearly and with easy to understand explanations, which is really essential for people without legal knowledge. She also came across very professional, whilst keeping a friendly manner. In the end, she helped us achieve a faster resolution of our case. We are exceedingly happy with her service and highly recommend her. Much appreciated!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Ruby van Kersbergen

Uitstekend resultaat en fijne samenwerking

Ik heb mijn zaak aan LAW and More voorgelegd en ben snel, vriendelijk en vooral effectief geholpen. Het resultaat stelt mij zeer tevreden.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Ruby van Kersbergen

Super goed geholpen door Law en more advocaten kantoor

Mijn complimenten aan Law en more advocaten die recent mijn zaak hebben behandeld. De communicatie verliep uitstekend. Ik had zeker het gevoel alsof ik er niet alleen voor stond. Gelukkig is alles tot een goed einde gekomen

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Aylin Selamet

Hele goede behandeling van mijn zaak

Graag wil ik aylin erg bedanken voor haar inzet. Wij zijn heel blij met de uitkomst. Klant staat altijd centraal bij haar en wij zijn ontzettend goed geholpen. Kennis van zaken en hele goede communicatie. Echt een aanrader dit kantoor!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Aylin Selamet

Juridisch gezien tevreden over de gegeven diensten

Mijn situatie is op een manier opgelost waarbij ik alleen maar kan zeggen dat het resultaat is zoals ik die wenste. Ik ben naar tevredenheid geholpen en de wijze waarop er gehandeld is door Aylin is te beschrijven als nauwkeurig, transparant en daadkrachtig.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Aylin Selamet

Poor advice, poor communication and you have to pay upfront

I asked Law&More to help us with an immigration matter. Even though they promised that someone would call me I then received an email and they asked that the entire fee was paid upfront first. Communication was only by email and only very basic questions were asked. I asked several time for a conversation over the phone so I could properly explain our situation but I was told to just answer the questions by email. I then received advice which was very basic and incomplete and didn't properly address our issues nor answer our questions. When I complained and again asked that our particular questions were addressed it then turned out that the initial advice they gave was wrong and I was charged an additional fee for them to put it right. I initially forgot to pay the additional charge straight away but they never sent me a reminder. Instead they passed it straight to a debt collector which was a bit of a shock. All-in-all a frustrating experience and a very expensive mistake as I still don't have the immigration advice I needed. Stay well clear!

  • Aanbevelen? Nee
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Ruby van Kersbergen

Geweldige en snelle communicatie!

Ik heb Tom Meevis als een zeer deskundige en toegankelijke advocaat ervaren. Hij stelt zich erg betrokken en open op en denkt met je mee. Tom is erg gericht op de wensen van zijn cliënten en reageert altijd binnen no time. Tom heeft geheel zijn eigen stijl, wat hem siert als mens en advocaat! 3 woorden die hem kenmerken zijn; ethisch, gentleman en toegankelijk.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis

Zeer klantvriendelijke dienstverlening en perfecte begeleiding!

Dhr. Meevis heeft mij bijgestaan in een arbeidsrechtelijke casus. Dit heeft hij, samen met zijn assistent Yara, in totaliteit professioneel en zeer integer gedaan. Naast zijn kwaliteiten als professionele advocaat bleef hij ten aller tijde een gelijke, een mens met ziel, dat gaf een verwarmd en veilig gevoel. Ik stapte hopeloos met lood in de schoenen zijn kantoor binnen met mijn handen in het haar, dhr. Meevis gaf me al direct het gevoel dat ik mijn haren los kon laten en hij het vanaf dat moment over zou nemen, zijn woorden werden daden en zijn beloftes werden nagekomen. Het fijnst vind ik het directe contact, ongeacht dag/tijdstip, hij was daar wanneer ik hem nodig had! Een topper! Bedankt Tom!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis

Alles goed geregeld

Vanaf begin af aan een goede klik met de advocate, zij hielp ons de juiste weg te bewandelen en haalde mogelijke onzekerheden weg. Zij was duidelijk en een mensenmens wat wij als erg prettig hebben ervaren. Zij maakte de informatie duidelijk en door haar wisten we precies wat we moesten doen en wat ons te wachten stond. Een erg prettige ervaring met Law and more, maar vooral met de advocate waar wij contact mee hebben gehad.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Aylin Selamet

Zeer deskundige en vriendelijke mensen

Zeer goede en professionele (juridische ) dienstverlening. Communicatie en samenwerking ging erg goed en snel. Ik ben geholpen door dhr. Tom Meevis en mw. Aylin Selamet. Kortom, ik heb een goede ervaring gehad met dit kantoor.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis

Snel en adequaat

Hele fijne en snelle samenwerking. Heel erg fijn dat er bijna een 24 uurs service is. Fijne persoonlijke benadering!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis

Erg tevreden

Ik ben erg tevreden met de service van Law & More. Er werd enorm goed en snel gecommuniceerd, hierdoor was datgene waarvoor ik hulp nodig had, snel opgelost. Hij gaat snel, direct en zorgvuldig aan het werk. Echt een aanrader!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis

Snel contact en erg vriendelijk

Ik had snel een advocaat nodig. Gelukkig konden jullie mij erg snel helpen. Dank u wel voor alle zorgen en hulp!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Tom Meevis

Company details

13 Marconilaan

Eindhoven 5612 HM


[email protected]


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