Ik heb de stof goed kunnen herhalen en vragen kunnen stellen dankzij deze training
Hi! Wat fijn om te horen dat je zo tevreden bent over onze docent! Bedankt voor het invullen van de enquête en ik wens je heel veel succes met je tentamen! Groetjes, Jody van TentamenTrainingen
Hi! Wat fijn dat je zo tevreden bent over onze trainingen! Heel veel succes met je tentamens :) Groetjes, Jody van TentamenTrainingen
Fijn dat we de PowerPoint nog krijgen. Het ging niet te snel waardoor ik het goed kom bijhouden en mee kon schrijven.
Hi! Super fijn dat je zo veel aan deze training hebt gehad, we zullen dit ook zeker doorgeven aan jouw docent! Succes met studeren :) Groetjes, Jody van TentamenTrainingen
Heel fijn, heel duidelijk, goede uitleg, goede humor
Hi! Bedankt voor deze super mooie review! We zullen dit ook zeker even aan de docent doorgeven! Groetjes, Jody van TentamenTrainingen
Zie boven.
Hi! Super fijn dat je zo veel aan deze training hebt gehad, we zullen dit ook zeker doorgeven aan jouw docent! Succes met studeren :) Groetjes, Jody van TentamenTrainingen
Goede korte gratis training, veel informatie gekregen.
Hi! Ontzettend fijn om zo’n mooie review te ontvangen. Veel succes met je andere tentamens! Groetjes, Jody van TentamenTrainingen
The best tutor that I have ever seen, taken him for other courses and wow he is a lifesaver.
Hi! Thank you for filling out the evaluation. Great to hear that the training was helpful for you. We hope to see you again soon. Kind regards, Fenna from Tentamentrainingen
Half of the in debt material of the exam was not even covered and had to still study myself a shit ton in order to have covered the missing parts. If i could i would also like to send screens of the groupchat but i unfortunately cant in here. She doesn’t respond to questions, did not upload the slides even tho she has been asked to multiple times. Also during the session it did not feel personal and felt more like she just was reading us the book. Neither was there the face to face feeling as she did not even put on the camera. This are all points besides the technical difficulties that occurred on her side during the first training of money and banking. Overall I really do like tentamentrainingen so I would recommend, just not really with her.
Hi! I am sorry to hear that the quality of the training wasn't sufficient. Thank you for taking the time to give us some feedback. We’ll use your feedback for future training sessions. Kind regards, Jody from TentamenTrainingen
I would suggest having ready examples for everything the tutor is explaining so explanations are clearer and time is not spent with dead space while the tutor thinks of examples (that were not very clear or helpful). SPSS is not very helpful if we don't get to do it ourselves while the tutor explains. I think the training should be longer to allow for this. Also, contentwise there was a lot of missing content from the lectures, such as probability calculations and doing the probability tree (?), how to read the SPSS output, etc. A lot of the things that are harder were simply not explained.
Hi! Thank you very much for this great review, we will do our best to keep improving the level of our training sessions. Kind regards, Jody from TentamenTrainingen
It was okay for a quick overview, but for someone who didn’t understand the course and the basics/details at all, like me, it didn’t really help. It was too quickly pased, not so many example questions like the athena course. I felt like the teacher also wanted to finish on time per se at both given courses whil at athena they don’t mind spending 5 more minutes to explain something additional. I hope that this improves at tentamentrainingen since I do think your summaries are way more understandable than the athena summaries I would recommend you guys based on who’s teaching the subject, since I really enjoyed hicham’s training of rms last year, and I would recommend your summaries. Not the trainings per se
Hi! Thank you for your feedback! I am happy to hear that the training helped you a lot. Good luck with your exams! Kind regards, Fenna from Tentamentrainingen
Everything was smooth as always, if Hicham decides to teach as a professor at the UVA, I wouldn't miss a single class, that's how good it is.
Hi! I’m glad to hear that the training went so well. Good luck with your other exams! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
Sabina is really kind, non-judgemental and good clear in her sessions! I appreciated her efforts to try to explain such hard topics and a dressing the different questions and perspectives that arose.
Hi! Thank you for filling out the evaluation. Great to hear that the training was helpful for you. We hope to see you again soon. Kind regards, Fenna from Tentamentrainingen
Communication was great and helpful.
Hi! I’m happy to hear that the training went so well. We will also pass this along to the teacher! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
Ze praatte de eerste training heel snel, en ze stelde amper vragen aan ons (terwijl ik dat juist altijd fijn vind). Ik wist ook niet zo goed wat ik kon verwachten, een inhoudsopgave en wat gestructureerder was fijn geweest. Verder was het wel prima!
Hi! Bedankt voor deze super mooie review! We zullen dit ook zeker even aan de docent doorgeven! Groetjes, Jody van TentamenTrainingen
vond het echt wel fijn om in twee uurtjes een groot deel van de belangrijke stof te doorlopen en om tentamenvragen te oefenen
Hi! Super dat je zoveel aan de training hebt gehad. Bedankt voor het invullen van de enquête! Groetjes, Fenna van TentamenTrainingen
My teacher was very friendly and paid close attention to our needs and questions. She also gave some useful tips for exam questions. However some of the material, wasn’t clear to her anymore as she confused some terms. (Negative punishment etc.) She also used examples from a movie/series, which if you hadn’t seen the series, was quite hard to follow.
Hi! I’m glad to hear that the training went so well. Good luck with your other exams! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
The course fulfilled my expectations. Jorge is a very knowledgeable and motivated tutor. I would have only wished for more activation for different motives. I understand that it is hard to bridge the gap between people trying to pass and people trying to thrive. He did his best
Even though I only had one class where we covered the material very fast, it still helped me out so much and I would definitely consider taking more classes with TentamenTrainingen
It was super helpful! He explained everything clearly and briefly which was incredibly helpful!
Hi! I’m glad to hear that the training went so well. Good luck with your other exams! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
Good at making points
Hi! Great to hear you enjoyed the training! We will also pass this along to the teacher :) Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
My experience with the class was really helpful l. Jorge had a really good, concise way of explaining concepts. I also feel like I know what I should focus on most before the exam!
Hi! I’m happy to hear that you liked our training! Good luck with your exams :) Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
Amazing how he mentions all important points per theme, answers all the questions and gives us examples of what kind of questions we can expect in the exam. And I kept focussed for 2 hours, which is rare for me lol I feel much better prepared about what I have to look further into and what I feel like I have it under control.
Hi! I’m happy to hear that the training went so well. We will also pass this along to the teacher! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
I followed the masterclass psychology of two hours. I thought it was of very good quality because of a few facts: the teacher was prepared really good, it gave me a really good overall picture of the most important topics and the course gave me a lot of little inputs on how topics can be asked and what the pitfalls could be. It was very useful especially as a first year student that has not yet made any exam.
Hi! Thank you for your feedback! I am happy to hear that the training helped you a lot. Good luck with your exams! Kind regards, Fenna from Tentamentrainingen
Very helpfull, the tutor Jorge Ratia was an excellent teacher, thoughtfull and knowledgeable.
Hi! I’m glad to hear that you benefited so much from the training. Good luck with your exams :) Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
Overall I found the session helpful in narrowing down the literature to the main points we need to know for our upcoming exam. I believe Jorge was very present and engaged throughout the session and did his best to answer all the questions given. I would have personally preferred a bit more structure. I think having a clear plan and structure for each theme might have helped to stick to the time limit From what I gathered I thought this session would also cover effective study tips/methods and how they can be adapted/applied to the literature but perhaps this is covered in the paid sessions. All in all I'm glad I attended the free session, I have more sense of direction and feel better equipped/prepared for the exam.
Hi! I’m glad to hear that you benefited so much from the training. Good luck with your exams :) Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
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