Pretty good experience with the trainings and the teachers, exam bundles.
De training was erg goed, er werd heel veel geoefend. De docent wist alles heel duidelijk uit te leggen. Het zou misschien wel handiger zijn om de link naar zoom iets eerder te krijgen de volgende keer en ook de samenvatting iets eerder te krijgen met de slider om alvast te kunnen voorbereiden op de training.
Goede training, docent beschikt over alle nodige kennis en weet dit goed over te brengen. Ik vind zelf de tentamenbundel matig, die had wat uitgebreider en overzichtelijker gekunt. Fijn dat we met een klein groepje zijn (2).
Tentamentrainingen helped a lot, especially Hicham.
Kennedy had veel geduld en hielp goed. Hele goede uitleg ook!
Het is fijn en leerzaam om met iemand nog een keer langs alle stof heen te gaan. Op deze manier kun je makkelijker vragen stellen.
Timothy legt enorm duidelijk uit en ik begrijp de stof een stuk beter, als ik nu mijn samenvatting doorneem herken ik alles. Ik ga dit tentamen in met een stuk meer vertrouwen dan toen ik het zelf geleerd had.
Rens gaf duidelijke uitleg en een goed overzicht van de stof. Ik ging de training in met geringe basiskennis, maar ik heb nu wel het idee dat ik echt iets opgestoken heb en ik heb daardoor ook meer vertrouwen in mijn tentamen. Over het algemeen vond ik dat Rens de stof goed uitlegde en ook hoe je tot een antwoord moet komen op een tentamen. Voor volgende keer zou ik misschien willen meegeven dat ik het zelf fijner zou vinden om van te voren al een tentamen voor te bereiden en dat dan te bespreken, of per vraag te maken en bespreken, i.p.v. dat je er gelijk 3 achter elkaar moest maken.
I always like Tentamen Trainingen because of their good quality and service.
All the important definitions were discussed.
Het was een goed tempo en alle relevante stof was besproken. Juliëtte was goed voorbereid en wist waar ze het over had.
The classes were well structured, as I felt our opinion as students also mattered in that; moreover, we spent more time on the topics we found more difficult. It is good to have first the theory briefly explained and after to practice, so that we see how it works.
Hi! Thank you for filling in our evaluation. Very nice to receive such a nice review :)
Ik ben blij dat ik de training heb gevolgd, omdat voor mij meer duidelijk werd aan welke onderdelen ik nog meer aandacht moest besteden. Ook wordt door Eva aandacht besteed aan onderdelen die vaan voorkomen op een tentamen/vgt, dus dat is erg prettig. Verder is de uitleg duidelijk en goed ondersteund met de powerpoint
Hicham was patient and didn't hesitate to give more of his time for us to understand the content of the course.
Hi! Great to hear you enjoyed the training! We will also pass this along to the teacher :) Kind regards, Jody from TentamenTrainingen
all good, received a recording when asked
Hi! Good to hear that you benefited so much from the training. Thank you for filling in the evaluation! Kind regards, Jody from TentamenTrainingen
Overall very responsive and it's a good support study system for students
Hi! Great to hear you enjoyed the training! We will also pass this along to the teacher :) Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
Everything was explained very cleary; abstract concepts became concrete. There was enough time for questions and questions were elaborately answered.
Hi! I’m glad to hear that you benefited so much from the training. Good luck with your exams :) Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
I am very content with the masterclass. The summary on the course was very informative, especially on the key points of the readings. The tutor gave explicit examples which made the difficult concepts easy to understand. I do think three days was a little too fast to discuss all of the material, I did not really have time to revise any of the information. Very positive about what I learned, let's hope I can apply it on the exam!
Hi! I’m glad to hear that the training went so well. Good luck with your other exams! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
I decided to do the resit course as I desperately needed to pass this course and the previous three times I had a hard time studying for the exam, which resulted in me failing. With the course, the teacher was extremely clear and encouraging, which has given me the confidence to hopefully pass this time around.
Hi! Great to hear you enjoyed the training! We will also pass this along to the teacher :) Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
The tutor's teaching style was not effective as she never used a whiteboard for a course with intensive calculations. Instead, she read the slides throughout the entire training, which was rather inefficient, as her whole slides were just the exam bundle. Additionally, the tutor failed to provide a valid explanation on the exercises when a question about details was raised. The slides were also not organized correctly with the formulas, making it difficult to read. Based on these facts, I am convinced that the tutor did little to no preparation for this course. Furthermore, I asked a friend who is taking finance 2 at the moment about how they feel about Rhea's teaching style, and I received similar feedback. However, the customer service is unbeatable. Thanks for Julia and Zoe, I am able to get responses immediately when I have questions.
Hi! I am sorry to hear that the quality of the training wasn't sufficient. Thank you for taking the time to give us some feedback. We’ll use your feedback for future training sessions. Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
I have used TentamenTrainingen a couple of times for different exams, and so far they've aways provided well-balanced, updated and detailed exam bundles and the tutor takes a lot of time to properly explain exam topics in review sessions as well as patiently answering any questions students might have. It's certainly a lot better value for your money than with certain other competitors that don't explain as well or are as engaging.
Hi! Good to hear that you benefited so much from the training. Thank you for filling in the evaluation! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
duidelijke uitleg over de algemene stof en al je vragen worden duidelijk behandeld. daarnaast wordt ook veel aandacht besteed aan oefententamens, dit vond ik zelf heel fijn
Hi! Super fijn dat je zo veel aan deze training hebt gehad, we zullen dit ook zeker doorgeven aan jouw docent! Succes met studeren :) Groetjes, Fenna van TentamenTrainingen
Heel fijn
Hi! Top dat je zo veel aan de training hebt gehad! Heel veel succes met studeren! Groetjes, Fenna van TentamenTrainingen
Everything fine, but you should start including recording of the sessions in the package.
Hi! I’m glad to hear that the training went so well. Good luck with your other exams! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
I followed the tentamentraining for statistics 1, and understood most of the information!
Hi! Good to hear that you benefited so much from the training. Thank you for filling in the evaluation! Kind regards, Fenna from TentamenTrainingen
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