I’ve had a phone call with Roee regarding visa application as an Israeli. He was very informative and helped me understand the situation I was in a whole lot better. I appreciate his kindness and patience with me.
Meerdere keren een uitstekende hulpverlening van dhr. Banet, mevrouw Goh en mevrouw Ramdin op het gebied van arbeidsrecht! Heel erg bedankt voor het snel handelen en het duidelijk uitleggen van wat mijn opties zijn!
Very grateful for the time and patience Ronnie had with me. A great service from start to finish! Couldn't recommend enough.
Maud Kloosterman heeft ons geholpen met een lastig huurconflict. Toen ik in het begin het probleem had geschetst aan de telefoon, voelde ik mij enorm begrepen. Deze advocaten zijn gespecialiseerd in huurzaken. Het contact liep altijd goed over de mail en telefoon. Nu hebben wij na jaren ons huis eindelijk terug. Mochten wij in de toekomst weer een advocaat nodig hebben, komen wij zeker hier weer terecht.
Had to talk with mr Banet and and got helpful information and cleared up a lot of what i need to do
Had to talk with mr Banet and and got helpful information and cleared up a lot of what i need to do
Uitstekende dienstverlening in de migratiezaak van mijn vriendin. Ik ben Nederlander en zij derdelander. Alle uitdagingen overwonnen en onze doelen bereikt. Roi en Samentha hebben ons geholpen - inclusief persoonlijke begeleiding bij alle afspraken en zittingen - en zijn zeer aan te bevelen.
I would like to thank Eisenmann & Ravestijn Advocaten and especially to Liëll van Hezik for handling my case with professionalism and kindness and for bringing it to a satisfying outcome. I appreciate your work very much.
The best choice when you are in need. Made my immigration to the Netherlands a breeze, and saved my ass on a number of occasions.
Seeking advice regarding my immigration status, I sent an email and received a very quick response from Mr Banet. He listened carefully to my personal story, then gave me a lengthy and knowledgable explanation of my legal situation and the possible options moving forward. All of this over the phone, on the first call and without charging me a Penny. Thank you Roi, for a service that exceeded my expectations.
Had a call with Roey about tax materials before relocating to Holland
We got a clear and comprehensive legal advice on a very specific issue. As an expat it is very important to get a friendly approach but on the same time very professional and profound. Thank you Roi!
I had a very good experience with this office. Roy Bannet was extremely supportive and professional. Rest assure you will be in very good hands! Thank you Roy!
Yea went to more lawyers but nobody helped me but when I went to eisenman they told me I will help You
I’ve been using their services as immigration lawyers - highly professional and service-oriented. Very happy to keep coming back when necessary and highly recommended
It is never a pleasant experience when your employer tries to make you redundant, especially if it is for no good legal (or other) reason. Luckily, A friend recommended me Ronnie. Ronnie helped me through the process providing clarity on my options and reassurance. I didn't want to stay, chose to reach agreement and Ronnie got me a FAR better deal than I have been offered initially. Ronnie is just the person you want on your side in this situation, and the last person your ex-employer wants to see. I hope I choose employers better in the future, but as for lawyers go, I couldn't have have chosen any better.
Eisenmann & Ravestijn advocaten has helped me through some complicated legal issues during the last decade. They have always provided both but the best service to me, while initiating creative solutions for sensitive matters. I would like to point out Mr. Roi Banet in particularly for his professional skills and commitment.
Best in class
De communicatie vanuit de advocaat verliep snel. Ik heb nooit lang hoeven te wachten. Er werd altijd aandachtig geluisterd. Iedereen was altijd erg vriendelijk. Uit de communicatie en de manier van te werk gaan bleek een hoge mate van deskundigheid. Ik ben heel erg dankbaar.
I’ve tried a few immigration lawyers who couldn’t find any solution for my case, before I gave up on my rights Eisenmann & Ravestijn Advocaten office managed to help me with stand on my rights without any doubt. Now I’m sure and believe 100% that they’ll never give up on their customers rights. Excellent communication skills, with this office your rights are secured.
Mrs. van Hezik was a wonderfully diligent and helpful lawyer who handled my case with focus and dedication from day one. She was always available to answer any questions and handled communication very professionally throughout the entire process. I absolutely recommend her to anyone looking for a lawyer in Amsterdam. Thank you again!!
Our consultation with Eisenmann & Ravestijn was highly professional. We received a clear and full explanation of the law relevant to our specific situation.
Super grateful for the trust, time and patience that Mr. Banet has had for me and this case. He has always included me in the process and I felt taken seriously. He took my interests at heart and did whatever he could to make me feel seen and heard. Which really is of unprecedented value. He is honest, professional and trustworthy and never gave up on me. Even though I have felt defeated at times. Not only was the case solved successfully, it has helped me process and move on. Forever grateful for that.
I needed advice on a personal meter and I got it quickly and with all the info I needed. It was a good and helpful advice. Thank you
Buitenveldertselaan 106
1081AB Amsterdam
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