I had the pleasure of having Mr. Roi Benet advise and assist me with the immigration procedure for my family and myself. He is professional, responsible, and extremely responsive. I strongly recommend him and the firm!
It was absolutely great service! In my case, I needed advice on a short notice and I got it almost immediately. It was super professional and really helpful. Roi Banet took the time to explain everything I needed to know and prepare me for my meeting. In addition, he helped me to understand what is the best strategy to take and what to do in some edge cases. He came ready for our meeting and his knowledge was deep and wide and. I would absolutely recommend him.
Great experience. Roi Banet is just wow.
This firm is highly recommended if you have immigration issues.
Mr Eisenmann helped me with my query very quick and professionally. Very friendly and willing to help
Ik werd heel snel teruggebeld en zeer behulpzaam te woord gestaan. Direct in het eerste gesprek kreeg ik zeer bruikbare inhoudelijke informatie.
Wonderful experience. Received full and professional answers to all of my questions. Very much appreciated. Thank you
After just one phone call I understood my situation better and learned what are my options.
Great experience - advice provided to us was super useful, the most practical and innovative! Many thanks to Roi and his team! We will definitely recommend you guys to our network!
I am very grateful for the fantastic help I always receive from the lawyers Liell van Hezik, Roi Banet and Ronnie Eisemann. Since 3 years ago I have needed their services and as always the service exceeds my expectations. At any time I need them they are always available to help quickly and a high level of professionalism. Highly recommended. I will continue to use their services for anything I need.
Meneer Banet heeft mij met alle tijd en geduld uitgelegd hoe ik met mijn dossier om moet gaan. Zonder hem was ik er zeker niet uit gekomen. Bedankt nogmaals.
I can recommended Eisenmann & Ravestijn Advocaten from my personal experience. 100% Trustworthy and knowledgeable - 2 very important things in legal advice. I simply cannot describe in words how much their help meant.
Efficient ,polite and knowledgeable service from Roi Banet . He was very helpful in finding a solution.
Personal, informative and professional advice.
I've known Roi for a few years, a special person always knows how to answer with a smile, solve difficult problems in a simple and easy way. without a doubt recommend it to anyone, they will you regret it
De service was geweldig en ben erg tevreden met de communicatie. Het was echt een verrassing dat de service voor een pro bono zaak zo goed was.
We really appreciate Roy’s support and advise! Super professional and friendly! Many thanks!
Ik ben snel en correct geholpen. Meneer Eisenmann heeft mijn situatie direct goed gezien en perfect aan mij uitgelegd, en daar heb ik heel veel baat bij gehad.
I had an immigration issue and Roy Banet help me with it. He’s very professional and was so kind! Highly recommended. It’s a 5 stars from me
liell was there for me all the way until we reached our goal.
Very satisfied with the results
I had an ongoing issue with my already former employer regarding getting properly compensated. I was super fortunate to reach out to Mr Eisenmann and he scheduled a call right away to discuss my needs....when we spoke he was refreshingly friendly! He also made me feel like he understood my work issue from the start, the outcome came in fully as requested and very fast, and because of this - I would not hesitate to reach out to him again for further legal council if needed....and I highly recommend Mr Eisenmann for your legal needs too!
Sent an email with a question (even though I am not a client of them). Some days later they called me to discuss and explain the answer!
Choosing to contact them was a great choice. Mr. Roi Banet helped me, while proving he is eager to understand a situation down to the detail, very knowledgeable, up to date and most important - has a big warm human heart, a quality rarely combined so successfully in the field of law. This law firm is truly the best you can call in the Netherlands.
מהרגע שעורך דין רועי בנט ענה לשיחת הטלפון שלי, בפעם הראשונה, שיחת טלפון שאני יזמתי בעיצומו של משבר הקורונה, קבלתי תחושה שהגעתי לחוף מבטחים. מאותו רגע ואילך, ובכל המגעים בינינו שנמשכו לאורך 10 חודשים רצופים, עורך דין בנט נתן לי את התחושה שאני הלקוח היחיד שלו. עם יכולת הכלה יחודית המלווה בידע מקצועי ומשפטי רחב יריעה, קבלתי מענה כולל למגוון השאלות והאתגרים המשפטיים שעמדתי בפניהם. אני פניתי לעורך דין בנט לקבלת יעוץ וסיוע משפטי מול רשויות ההגירה בהולנד. הליך עמוס במכשולים לא מעטים אשר התגברו בתקופת הקורונה. בצורה עדינה ובוטחת ניטב מר בנט את ההתנהלות שלי מול הרשיות בתבונה רבה וברגישות, במסגרתה הוא הצליח להתאים את התנאים המיוחדים של מצבי מול הדרישות המחמירות של הרשויות. במסגרת עבודתי המקצועית אני בא המגע עם כמות לא מבוטלת של עורכי דין. משום כך, אני יכול להעיד באופן חד משמעי כי עורך דין בנט הוא בעל שיעור קומה יחודי בכל הקשור לרמתו המקצועית והטיפול בלקוח. אין לי כל ספק שמר בנט עוד יכבוש פסגות מקצועיות רבות, ולשם כך, אני מאחל לו בהצלחה והמון תודה. בכבוד רב. דוד צור
Buitenveldertselaan 106
1081AB Amsterdam
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