

Professioneel, zeer betrokken en top resultaat

De heer Eisenmann heeft mij onlangs bijgestaan en ik ben erg tevreden over het resultaat. Zijn advies was niet alleen juridisch goed, maar hij was ook erg betrokken en empatisch en ik raad hem en zijn kantoor dan ook graag aan.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. A.T. Eisenmann

Professional! Extremely Approachable & Reliable.

From the first moment of contacting the company, I felt I had made the right decision. My case was handled by the top professionals, and taken care of immediately. All of the details, the possibilities and the ways to operate were presented to me, so that together we would make a calculated decision. I would recommend Eisenmann & Ravestijn Advocaten to anyone who cares for a good, efficient and caring service.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

ייעוץ איכותי, אדיב ומדויק

קיבלתי מענה מקצועי ברמה הגבוהה ביותר, ייעוץ איכותי ומדויק. מדובר במשרד איכותי, מוביל עם שירות הכי טוב שיש. אני רוצה להודות לצוות המשרד ובייחוד לעו"ד רועי בנט המוכשר והאדיב.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

Happy client

Very good service, even though not much could be done in my case, Roi was very attentive and understanding, he made everything very clear for me and now I know better on what to do if there’s a next time. Happy client :)

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement N/A
  • N/A

Adequaat en met oog voor het menselijke

Ik ben geholpen door Roi Banet, de ervaring was zeer goed. Hij kwam snel met een adequate oplossing. Onze dank is groot. Een aanrader.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. A.T. Eisenmann

Amazing experience so far

I've asked for advice/consult on an immigration topic, and Roi Banet has been very kind and super professional in providing all important information. We had an initial call, and then he called me back for a follow up with more important information. Would totally recommend to call them for advice.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

Words cannot explain how grateful I am.

Thank you Roi, for the most professional, efficient and kind service. All the best!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

A successful communication process

I was accompanied by Eisenmann & Ravestijn Advocaten through a legal process for the past few months. Throughout the whole process, Ronnie Eisenman and Roy Bennett has been supportive, transparent, highly professional and guided me step-by-step until winning the case, especially thanks to the unique and comfortable interpersonal approach which allowed us to have a successful communication process. I highly recommend Eisenmann & Ravestijn Advocaten not only due to the professional proficiency in the world of law and justice but also for being a group of humans who are filled with faith and devotion to what is essential as a law firm. I was lucky enough to be accompanied by such a strong team who handled my case in such a professional way and I highly recommend this firm to all my local Dutch friends and of course to the Hebrew language speakers as well. All the best and lots of success, Elad

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

Miracle workers!!

In 2017 I have decided to move to the Netherlands. My husband and I at that point knew one another for a short period of time, but we knew from the first time that we met that this is it. All though we felt like we belonged and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together in one country it wasn’t as easy to start the process with the IND, so we were recommended to contact “Eisenmann & Ravestijn” firm and especially the lawyer Roi Banet. This was the best decision we have ever made. Mr. Banet and everyone at the firm did everything possible to help us. It was not an easy case, but they fought for us like true lions! What I loved the most is the availability that they provide. Does not matter if it was a weekday or weekend or even a holiday if we had a question, they were there for us 24/7. Being their client felt like being a part of the family. We went through together every idea and request that we suggested, everything was taken seriously and with opt most respect. We used the firms help once again in 2019 when I needed to bring my children to the Netherlands and Roi Banet performed a MIRACLE and was able to procure visas for my boys within weeks! They are the most honest, hardworking, trustworthy people that I have ever encountered. I only recommend going to “Eisenmann & Ravestijn Advocaten”!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

Mijn ervaring is zeer goed geweest.

Erg betrouwbaar, goed advies en hulp gekregen in mijn zaak.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. A.T. Eisenmann

Advice and knowledge of the laws of a high standard

Roi Banet helped me a lot in counseling about וn my situation. I took his advice and felt a lot safer. I've learned more about my rights and how to act in the situation in front of the lease company (who tried to break my contract with them, with no logical reason). Thanks again for all your help! I will recommend you to others too!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

Advocaten met een hart.

Een jaar geleden had ik juridisch advies nodig. Ik wist niet wat ik moest verwachten toen ik voor de eerste keer op hun kantoor aankwam. Afgezien van een snel en goed juridisch advies, werd ik vooral verrast door de empathie die mij geschonken werd.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. A.T. Eisenmann


wij hadden plotseling, dringend, een Hebreeuws sprekende advocaat nodig. Via Google kwam ik uit bij dit, geweldige, kantoor. De telefoon werd vriendelijk en deskundig beantwoord door de heer Banet die de nodige vragen stelde en meteen een afspraak maakte voor de volgende dag. ons probleem werd snel en deskundig opgelost tijdens een bijzonder prettig consult. Wij zijn zeer onder de indruk van de professionele en hartelijke service en bevelen dit kantoor zeker aan.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. A.T. Eisenmann


Buitenveldertselaan 106

1081AB Amsterdam


[email protected]


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