

Well organized course taught by experienced teacher

I would recommend APICS CPIM to anyone who wants to expand their supply chain knowledge. Key points: - Derk provides a lot of real-world examples - Requires a lot of self-study hours - Fast paced - Great support and quick responses to questions in preparation for the exam

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Very good training course

Good support for those who want to prepare for the APICS certification exams

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Waardevolle opleiding met veel inhoudelijke kennis.

Ik heb erg veel inhoudelijk kennis opgedaan tijdens mijn apics CPIM opleiding. Derk kan de theorie goed uitleggen en maakt hierbij goed gebruik van praktijk voorbeelden.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

It has been an interesting, interactive and insightful training session.

- Good customer service - Both pleasant and professional people - Experienced coach

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Commited teachers with a lot of knowledge and experience in the field of supply chain.

Always available for the students and even after the course is completed Visiepartners never loses the students out of sight. They frequently organise seminars wich gives more depth and knowledge for the students. After completing the course i got the opportunity to promote to supply chain manager within my company.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Apics CPIM at Visie Partners: Clear, organized, recommended.

I attended the CPIM training course at Visie Partners in a classroom setting. The days were well-organized, and the instructor Derk could explain things clearly, accompanied by numerous practical examples. The company employs a personalized approach and invests more time in the lectures than advised by APICS themselves, which I appreciate. In short, highly recommended!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Well designed course

I enjoyed following the online CSCP course. It was well structured and covered the material. A lot of real examples were shared that help to understand. The pace was somewhat high, perhaps some extra hours would be an option to make it less intense.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes


Visie Partners is een erg prettige partner om een studie te volgen. Informatie voorziening is duidelijk en efficiënt. En Derk is een geweldige leraar. Een echte rots uit de praktijk bomvol informatie en kunde in zijn vak. Weet erg goed de stof aan de man te brengen met goede input vanuit het bedrijfsleven voor de beeldvorming van het lesmateriaal in de praktijk.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Good quality of course with some improvements needed

I enrolled for CLTD preparation course at the end of 2022. Classes started in November 2022 and ended in May 2023. Overall, the quality of the course was good. Derk was clear and precise in his explanation and I could relate some of the concepts explained during the classes to my daily job. On the other hand, sometimes the theory explained was a bit difficult to be seen of practical application to a business context (mainly because not applied during my day-to-day business. Therefore, it would probably be more beneficial to contextualise further the concepts explained through "real-life" examples from the different industries. Furthermore, it'd be beneficial to record the session, in case some attendees are not able to make one or more of those due to justified reason (business travel, longer working hours than usual, etc.). Lastly, I'd suggest for the next courses to arrange "on-site" visits of companies that apply the explained concepts to their supply chain organisations, to get a better sense of how the theory studied throughout the course is applied to Business context.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Intensive course

I would prefer it to be every week for 1H30 to 2H to keep the information fresh. Also, to have every week a small test in order to check our knowledge and where we should read more or ask more especially when you have such an intensive course. The value of the course is great, high level and professional. Highly recommended!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

A great way to gain knowledge in Supply Chain and get up to speed with the latest concepts

I finished the CPIM online course earlier this year and, while I am studying for the upcoming exam, I realize once again what a wonderful learning experience it has been! It was an exciting journey through the complex world of supply chains, with particular focus on the Manufacturing Planning and Control framework and its components, all with the guidance of Derk Kuiper, a very gifted and skilled instructor with plenty of experience in the field and eagerness to explain and give lots of practical examples. I highly recommend Visie Partners and this course to both beginners and experienced professionals that want to refresh their knowledge.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

A wonderful learning environment with an amazing instuctor

I commenced my CPIM course while I was living in The Netherlands. During the course I moved to Australia. Visie partners have been wonderful in accommodating me to allow me to complete my study. I enjoyed participating in all the classes. Derk is an amazing instructor with so much knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject. I highly recommend Visie Partners. It has been a pleasure.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

An excellent experience and great way to learn!

For my study CSCP I've chosen Visie Partners. I'm looking back at a great experience with Derk Kuiper and our group. Derk is an excellent teacher and experienced in all topics of the broad CSCP program. He gives a lot of examples and invites participants to do the same. I really enjoyed our lessons together and now lets prepare for our exam. Good luck to all in achieving your goals.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Inspiring course brought by an inspiring instructor

I can strongly recommend Visiepartners and especially Derk as a teacher. I followed the E-learning course of CPIM to broaden my Supply Chain knowledge. My objective was to invest a couple of months to study intensively in order to get my certificate and Derk strongly supported me with that. He knows the Supply Chain sector from A to Z and has a wide variety of examples to help you translate the study material to the actual practice.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

CPIM - Great enhancement of my professional knowledge

In order to enhance and expand my supply chain knowledge I started with my CPIM certification. Due to the start of Covid-19 it was not possible to have a classroom training, but Derk was really flexible and I got personal training for part 1 and joined a group for the online classroom training for part 2. Pro's: - Wide range of topics covered with hands-on/real-life experiences being shared by Derk. - Great sessions where the pace is adapted to the needs to the group - Knowledge can directly by applied when working in positions as Demand Planner, Master Planner, Supply Planner and my other supply chain position in a manufacturing environment. - CPIM certification provides a stronger position when applying, even when APICS CPIM is not mentioned as a requirement or plus. Con's: - It requires a serious time investment, way more than the 77 hours advertised as the minimum by APICS, make sure you adjust your mindset to this. Overall really enjoyed the course and happy that I've succeeded with great score thanks to the support of Derk/Visie Partners.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Go for it! Thoroughly recommend for all logistics professionals

I cannot recommend this course highly enough. Whether you’re a relative newbie to all things supply chain or a seasoned professional, there is so much to learn. Dirk combines in-depth practical and theoretical knowledge making the learning experience a pleasure. The reference material is clear and concise and I’m already applying newly learned methodology and data measurement tools to our supply chain.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Veel meer breedte & diepte dan geanticipeerd

Ik heb erg genoten van de APICS CLTD cursus en ben ervan overtuigd dat ik mijn notities en het cursusmateriaal nog vaak als naslagwerk er terug bij zal nemen in mijn toekomstige carrière (en dat zegt op zich al heel veel voor iemand met >13 jaar logistieke ervaring). Ik had van het APICS CLTD programma verwacht om meer kennis op te doen over de logistieke aspecten waar ik nog kennis 'gaps' heb (WHSEing & Int. Log.). Wat me echter vooral is bijgebleven is dat dankzij de erg breedte en praktische ervaring van Visie Partners (en de lesgever) alsook de inhoud van de APICS CLTD cursus, ik mij nu vele malen comfortabeler voel in eender welke interactie binnen onze complexe SC structuur en dus nog beter een end-to-end (E2E) beeldvorming kan maken hoe alle functies exact interagerend zijn en elkaar daardoor zowel positief of negatief kunnen beïnvloeden (dus niet enkel andere logistieke functies, maar ook CS, Supply Planning, etc.). Het ontbreekt namelijk in vele multinationals aan profielen die dit E2E plaatje beheersen/begrijpen en daarom kan ik enkel iedereen in een logistieke functie warm APICS CLTD en Visie Partners aanbevelen.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Professioneel, leerzaam en de investering meer dan waard.

Na een brede opleiding en wat werkervaring wilde ik leren of, en hoe dingen anders en beter zouden kunnen dan hoe het bij mijn werkgever 'altijd al zo gaat'. De CPIM opleiding onder leiding van Jan heeft me de praktijkvoorbeelden, beproefde concepten, terminologie bijgebracht en het enthousiasme gegeven om deze stof als intimmer bij zoveel mogelijk bedrijven toe te passen. Omdat je met meer vertrouwen en kennis veel beter beslagen ten ijs komt heb ik besloten ook de CLTD opleiding onder leiding van Derk te doen. De combinatie van beide opleidingen zorgt er voor dat ik uitdagingen vanuit meerdere zichtpunten kan benaderen en breder inzetbaar ben. Zowel Derk en Jan zijn professionele instructeurs die met gedegen kennis de me een flinke stap vooruit hebben geholpen.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Inspiring course brought by an inspiring instructor

After working in a managing function of Logistics field for over 15 years, I have chosen CSCP to re-ensure myself. It worked. And I enjoyed my study together with a nice group of people and an inspiring instructor. Derk knows the Supply-Chain business from A to Z, not limited in theories in books, but also in practice of day to day business. I enjoyed the case studies as well as the discussion we had in the classroom. The course has broaden my view in Supply Chain and I felt I have recharged myself ready for another level of my career.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Very professional and Customer-oriented.

Derk Kuiper was my teacher during my APICS CSCP training course. He has very rich experience in teaching the updated theory and work experience. During the lecture, he shared plenty of practical experience with us, which helped a lot in the real work. He has a wide network contacts and likes to share as well. He is a customer-oriented teacher, who supports and helps at any moment, sometimes even during the weekend. I strongly recommend Visie Partners if you would like to participate the relevant courses. 16 Oct. 2020 Jin Guo

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

perfect, zeker aan te bevelen

It has been very helpful for the development of my career

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Voldeed de training aan uw verwachting
  • Heeft u het niveau goed kunnen volgen?
  • Aansluiting van de training naar de praktijk
  • Deskundigheid
  • Didactische vaardigheid
  • Persoonlijke aandacht
  • Communicatie (indien van toepassing)
  • Professionaliteit
  • Tevredenheid
  • Welke training heb je gevolgd? Apics CSCP and IBF CPF
  • Schrijf in een paar woorden wat je van de training vond Very helpful for the development of my career

goede service, goed behandeld

Een zeer volledige en leerzame training om de SCM theorie achter de praktijk te leren kennen dankzij een zeer kundige leraar met passie Derk Kuiper. Met levendige discussies en voorbeelden uit de praktijk wordt ook verder gekeken dan het uitgebreide studie materiaal. Een echte aanrader voor iedere (aanstaande) Supply Chain Manager.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Voldeed de training aan uw verwachting
  • Heeft u het niveau goed kunnen volgen?
  • Aansluiting van de training naar de praktijk
  • Deskundigheid
  • Didactische vaardigheid
  • Persoonlijke aandacht
  • Communicatie (indien van toepassing)
  • Professionaliteit
  • Tevredenheid
  • Welke training heb je gevolgd? APICS CSCP
  • Schrijf in een paar woorden wat je van de training vond Een echte aanrader voor iedere (aanstaande) Supply Chain Manager

perfect, zeker aan te bevelen

Visie Partners and the whole backend administration is very professional. They provide well crafted detailed information on every stage of your course. My APICS account was expired but the team of Visiepartners activated account for me without any hassles. Derk Kuiper is very senior professional with massive experience in the supply chain and complementing functions. Enjoyed taking course from him. Especially all the examples he uses and importantly encourages everyone to share experiences really helps.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Voldeed de training aan uw verwachting
  • Heeft u het niveau goed kunnen volgen?
  • Aansluiting van de training naar de praktijk
  • Deskundigheid
  • Didactische vaardigheid
  • Persoonlijke aandacht
  • Communicatie (indien van toepassing)
  • Professionaliteit
  • Tevredenheid
  • Welke training heb je gevolgd? APICS CSCP
  • Schrijf in een paar woorden wat je van de training vond One of the finest course to take when you are working in and around supply chain

goede service, goed behandeld

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Voldeed de training aan uw verwachting
  • Heeft u het niveau goed kunnen volgen?
  • Aansluiting van de training naar de praktijk
  • Deskundigheid
  • Didactische vaardigheid
  • Persoonlijke aandacht
  • Communicatie (indien van toepassing)
  • Professionaliteit
  • Tevredenheid
  • Welke training heb je gevolgd? APICS CSCP
  • Schrijf in een paar woorden wat je van de training vond Interessante training, veel diepgang , goede koppeling door de diverse praktijkvoorbeelden.

goede service, goed behandeld

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Voldeed de training aan uw verwachting
  • Heeft u het niveau goed kunnen volgen?
  • Aansluiting van de training naar de praktijk
  • Deskundigheid
  • Didactische vaardigheid
  • Persoonlijke aandacht
  • Communicatie (indien van toepassing)
  • Professionaliteit
  • Tevredenheid
  • Welke training heb je gevolgd? APICS CPIM BSCM
  • Schrijf in een paar woorden wat je van de training vond Uitdagende training met zeer gedreven instructeur


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