

Zeer prettige steun in een lastige situatie

Annelies en René zijn zeer ervaren, behulpzaam, eerlijk en rechtvaardig. Ze kijken altijd naar het belang van het kind en schrikken niet dit uit te spreken. Ze zijn onpartijdig en proberen voor beide partijen het beste te behartigen. De hulp van beide heeft mij in het gehele proces zeer geholpen en ben ik ook erkentelijk voor.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. J.E.C. (Annelies) Verhoeff (Advocaat/Mediator)


When I met Annalies with my husband to divorce, I had no hope the mediation to work. But with her hempaty, her way to 'work' on our rage, desperation, etc was absolutely sucessful. Now, after almost one year of work together, we finalized our divorce, and the relationship with my ex Husband is costantly improving. I will recommend her for sure. Kind regards, Roberta

  • Would you recommend us? Yes
  • Communication
  • Quality of the advice
  • Expertise of the lawyers
  • Involvement
  • N/A

Betrokken en ondersteunend

Betrokken advocaten die oplossingsgericht meedenken, ook op eigen initiatief, en echt ondersteunen. Ik heb mij heel erg gehoord gevoeld en daardoor vertrouwen in lastige situaties gekregen.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. I.L. (Isa) Mulder (Advocaat)

Annelies, Isa & team provide a values-driven legal support with dedication and a holistic approach.

I have great respect for Annelies, her colleague lawyer Isa, and her two interns, Anna and Nor. Although my journey is not yet complete, I want to share my experience so far as we have already come a long way. Annelies is a lawyer who truly cares beyond the usual. She is willing to fight for the right cause and go the extra mile if necessary. I believe her when she says that she carefully chooses her clients based on her values. She is there when it is urgent and carefully weighs up my options at each step. As noted in other reviews, she is available on weekends or her free days if needed, which I highly value and do not take for granted. Isa, her colleague lawyer, is a very fast and eloquent writer and speaker. She is to the point but also open to feedback, questions, and concerns. She does her best to balance my needs as a client with her expertise and intuition about what is in my best interest. I appreciate that I could voice my worries and discontent with both of them. They continually tried to accommodate my many remarks and wishes while guiding me to accept that not everything can or needs to be said at once. They supported me not only in the legal route but also coached me on how to communicate with my ex-partner in the most constructive way, which is essential in the process. Her new interns, Anna and Nor, are very bright, engaged, and hard-working. They supported me in any way they could, working through my documents and joining the court hearings. Together, they form a great professional and happy team that handles all urgent matters smoothly and efficiently. I trust that they are there for me and my son when needed. Even though I have not yet succeeded in all legal actions taken, I trust that they are committed to my case until the best possible solution for my son Milo and me is found. I feel that they understand that each client can entail a journey requiring a long breath. Therefore I am very grateful that they took me onboard!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. J.E.C. (Annelies) Verhoeff (Advocaat/Mediator)

My experience was excellent

My experience was excellent with the office of Lawyer Mrs. Verhoeff, even though I live in Berlin and dealt with several lawyers in my case, but I didn't get a result, until I appointed Ms. Verhoeff's office in my case and I achieved what I was seeking through them. I'm very satisfied with their performance. They are truly one of the best lawyers.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. I.L. (Isa) Mulder (Advocaat)

Mediation heeft mij bruikbare inzichten gegeven.

Helaas heb ik het volledige traject van mediation bij Annelies niet af kunnen ronden omdat mijn ex partner zich had teruggetrokken. De betrokkenheid van Annelies na dit proces was er nog steeds, wat ik als erg prettig heb ervaren. Ook al waren het maar twee bijeenkomsten, deze twee bijeenkomsten hebben mij wel veel inzichten gegeven die ik voor de rest van mijn leven mee neem.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. J.E.C. (Annelies) Verhoeff (Advocaat/Mediator)


Met empathie voor alle partijen, heeft zij mij als cliënt met wijsheid, vashoudend en doelgericht, uitstekend ter zijde gestaan.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. J.E.C. (Annelies) Verhoeff (Advocaat/Mediator)

Hun zijn heel lief Vriendelijke mensen

Hierbij ik ben trots op mevrouw Annelies verhoeff en Isa mulder ik geef complimenten aan hun wat ze doen ik vind hun de beste advocaten die je kan hebben in 2021/22 hebben ze me heel goed geholpen daarom geef ik goeie Punten Met vriendelijke Groet Valerie

  • Aanbevelen? Ja
  • Communicatie
  • Advies
  • Deskundigheid
  • Betrokkenheid
  • Geholpen door: Mr. J.E.C. (Annelies) Verhoeff (Advocaat/Mediator)


Nassauplein 27A

2585 EC Den Haag

070 356 3333

[email protected]


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