
New websites klantenvertellen and kiyoh

We are extremely proud of the new websites of klantenvertellen and kiyoh! In recent months, we have been busy behind the scenes designing new websites. Our own ‘look & feel’ needed a boost. Now it is even easier for our customers and interested consumers to find relevant information.


The usefulness of reviews

As a market leader and expert in reviews, we know the usefulness and benefits of online reviews. Dutch people like to explore the market before they purchase something. One of the ways they do this is by reading other people’s experiences. This makes them more confident that they are buying from a reputable party. Read more here about the benefits of reviews. Kiyoh‘s review system is easy to access and user friendly.


Our partners

On the new websites, our partners, customers and affiliate partners are presented even more clearly. We work with various trade organisations and other parties which are important to us. Together, we ensure that increasingly more companies and webshops start collecting and sharing reviews.


Contact us

Our websites have changed, but not our organisation. We are still helping companies to successfully use reviews. And we are happy to tell you more about that. Want to know more about our company or how we start a partnership? Contact us!